Is your Lesbian Chat Line Date Stashing you? Tips to Solve it!

Lesbian dating

The first thing is your job to fix someone who is not at all ready to fix up! This is more important especially when you are dating someone special and is from the Lesbian community. A fairly new phone dating term known as stashing happens when one person makes a decision to keep their partner from introducing to their friends or family. If you are also dating someone special via a popular Lavender Line chatline and found her so, make efforts to solve the issue smoothly.

Meeting each other’s friends and family is one of the biggest steps in any dating connection and especially if it is strong. The reason behind this is showing trust, a certain level of commitment, and it plays a more significant role in each other’s lives. So, if your partner is one among them who has not yet introduced you to her inner circle, it’s only natural to start wondering why.

Signs of Stashing by your Lavender Line Partner

To clearly know whether your partner is stashing you or not, explore top signs of it for a better understanding:

  1. You went into one of her friends but weren’t introduced.
  2. There are no signs of your getting introduced in her family or friends group.
  3. She will never ever talk about you.
  4. She never tried to link you up.

Precious Tips to Control Getting Stashed in Lesbian Phone Dating

Dating is a wonderful feeling but sometimes, things can really be hurtful and one such can be known as a “stashing” by your partner. Surprisingly, this behavior is seen worldwide and daters at the Lavender Line chatline phone number are no less in doing so with each other. Here are most accepted tips to control stashing.

  1. The first and the foremost thing to handle this behavior is to have an open channel of communication.
  2. You need to ask your partner why she is behaving like this and the reason behind her behavior.
  3. Another thing is to bring yourself closer to her to know how she reacts at the time of hitting vulnerabilities. If you find her responding with a backlash and talk something which are downright insulting and hurtful, re-evaluate your phone dating bond.
  4. If you somewhere sense that the person is not respecting you, then walk away with all your dignity. To be very honest, it is not your job to fix a woman date who is really not ready to take you on a serious note in a dating bond.
  5. Never make accusations, rather engage in conversations and let her tell you why is she behaving this way.

Why does Stashing even Happens?

There are various reasons that can lead to such negative behavior by your Lesbian dating partner even when talking over an authentic Lesbian chat line number. Let us see a few reasons why this happens?

  1. Maybe she is seeing other women for phone dating.
  2. Quite possible that she is not sure about you to date in the future.
  3. They have dramas in life that make her not to introduce you.

The Bottom Line

Take a deep breath and always remind yourself that you always cannot make assumptions until you both have conversations. When you step ahead to confront a stasher, the last thing you can do is to attack her inner thoughts.

For better results, approach for conversations with each other in a gentle way while having open-mindedness. Another most important thing is to make a clear observation about her behavior and then only probe deeper by asking her a few questions.